This document is the sole property of
ICE. No duplication nor release to third
Installation guide
Date : 01/2012
Print :23/08/2012
Sheet :
Issue : a
The aim of this guide is to provide to the user the useful information’s for the installation of NP800R
instead of CEE relay of the series 7000 or 700.
We advise you to read it attentively, in order to take note of available functionalities and, to proceed
to connection and power of the product, in accordance with the provided recommendations.
Before any use, we recommend you to read the safety instructions of this installation guide.
This guide complements others document relating to the NP800R:
The “Application guide”, which details the case of application of different protections and
explicit their functions and settings.
The “First handling guide” which describes the data required for the commissioning and the
operation, as well as their connection mode, and a series of recommended tests.
The “User‘s guide”,
which presents the automatism and protection functions and the use of
local Human Machine Interface.
The “Setting software user guide” which describes the use of PC setting software.
Wiring diagram of each relay.
Dimensions and mounting diagram.