IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Hardware
Announcement ZG14-0114
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
the IBM machine. The area must be clean, well lit, and suitable for the purpose.
The following on-site response-time objectives are available as warranty service
upgrades for your machine. Available offerings are:
Maintenance services
If required, IBM provides repair or exchange service depending on the types of
maintenance service specified for the machine. IBM will attempt to resolve your
problem over the telephone or electronically, via an IBM website. Certain machines
contain remote support capabilities for direct problem reporting, remote problem
determination, and resolution with IBM. You must follow the problem determination
and resolution procedures that IBM specifies. Following problem determination,
if IBM determines on-site service is required, scheduling of service will depend
upon the time of your call, machine technology and redundancy, and availability
of parts. Service levels are response-time objectives and are not guaranteed.
The specified level of maintenance service may not be available in all worldwide
locations. Additional charges may apply outside IBM's normal service area. Contact
your local IBM representative or your reseller for country-specific and location-
specific information. The following service selections are available as maintenance
options for your machine type.
IBM will repair the failing machine at your location and verify its operation. You must
provide a suitable working area to allow disassembly and reassembly of the IBM
machine. The area must be clean, well lit, and suitable for the purpose.
Service levels are:
• 9 hours per day, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, same-business-day,
call registration before 12:00, IBM on-site repair
• 11 hours per day, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, same-business-day
response, call registration before 12:00 (noon) IBM on-site repair
• 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, same-day, 6-hour average response, IBM on-
site repair
Non-IBM parts service
Under certain conditions, IBM provides services for selected non-IBM parts at no
additional charge for machines that are covered under warranty service upgrades or
maintenance services.
This service includes hardware problem determination (PD) on the non-IBM parts
(for example, adapter cards, PCMCIA cards, disk drives, memory) installed within
IBM machines and provides the labor to replace the failing parts at no additional
If IBM has a Technical Service Agreement with the manufacturer of the failing part,
or if the failing part is an accommodations part (a part with an IBM FRU label), IBM
may also source and replace the failing part at no additional charge. For all other
non-IBM parts, customers are responsible for sourcing the parts. Installation labor is
provided at no additional charge, if the machine is covered under a warranty service
upgrade or a maintenance service.