Reattaching a leader pin
Procedure for reattaching a leader pin.
The first meter of tape in a cartridge is leader tape. When the leader tape is removed there is a possibility of tape breakage. After the leader pin is reattached, transfer data
from the defective tape cartridge. Do not reuse the defective tape cartridge.
The Leader Pin Reattachment Kit contains three parts:
Leader pin attach tool (See 1 in
). A plastic brace that holds the cartridge door open.
Cartridge manual rewind tool (See 2 in
). A device that fits into the cartridge's hub and enables you to wind the tape into and out of the cartridge.
Pin supplies (See 3 in
). Leader pins and C-clips.
Use only the IBM Leader Pin Reattachment Kit to reattach the leader pin to the tape. Other methods of reattaching the pin damages the tape, the drive, or both.
Use this procedure on your tape cartridge only when the leader pin detaches from the magnetic tape and you must copy the cartridge's data onto another cartridge.
Destroy the damaged cartridge after you copy the data. This procedure might affect the performance of the leader pin during threading and unloading operations.
Touch only the end of the tape. Touching the tape in an area other than the end can damage the tape's surface or edges, which might interfere with read or write
Figure 1. Leader pin reattachment kit
This procedure describes how to reattach a leader pin.
To reattach a leader pin with the IBM leader pin reattachment kit:
1. Attach the leader pin attach tool ( 1 in
) to the cartridge 2 so that the tool's hook 3 latches into the cartridge's door 4 . Pull the tool back to hold the door
open, then slide the tool onto the cartridge. Open the tool's pivot arm 5 .
Figure 2. Attaching the leader pin attach tool to the cartridge. To hold the cartridge door open, hook the tool into the door and pull the tool back.
2. To find the end of the tape inside the cartridge, attach the cartridge manual rewind tool ( 1 in
) to the cartridge's hub 2 by fitting the tool 's teeth between
the teeth of the hub. Turn the tool clockwise until you see the end of the tape inside the cartridge. Then, slowly turn the rewind tool counterclockwise to bring the
tape edge toward the cartridge door 3 .
3. Continue to turn the rewind tool counterclockwise until approximately 13 cm (5 in.) of tape hangs from the cartridge door. If necessary, grasp the tape and pull
gently to unwind it from the cartridge.
4. Remove the rewind tool by pulling it away from the cartridge. Set the tool and the cartridge aside.
Figure 3. Winding the tape out of the cartridge. Turn the cartridge manual rewind tool clockwise to see the end of the tape, then turn it
counterclockwise to bring the tape to the cartridge door.
IBM TS22xx - TS2290, TS2280, and TS2270