Using DHCP to set the IP address
When using DHCP, the switch obtains its IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address from
the DHCP server. The DHCP client can only connect to a DHCP server that is on the same subnet as the
switch. If your DHCP server is not on the same subnet as the switch, use a static IP address.
Setting a static IP address
To set a static IP address for the device, complete the following steps.
1. Log in to the device as admin.
2. Use the
command to set the Ethernet IP address.
• If you are going to use an IPv4 address, enter the IP address in dotted decimal notation as
Ethernet IP Address: []
• If you are going to use an IPv6 address, enter the network information in colon-separated notation
as prompted.
device:admin> ipaddrset -ipv6 --add 1080::8:800:200C:417A/64
IP address is being changed...Done.
3. Complete the rest of the network information as prompted. (IPv4 format shown):
Ethernet Subnetmask: []
Ethernet IP Address: []
Gateway IP Address: []
4. Enter
to disable DHCP when prompted.
DHCP [OFF]: off
Setting the date and time
The date and time settings are used for logging events, error detection, and troubleshooting. However,
device operation does not depend on the date and time; a device with incorrect date or time values still
functions properly.
You can synchronize the local time of the principal or primary fabric configuration server (FCS) device to
that of an external Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
Perform the following steps to set the date and time.
1. Log in to the device as admin.
2. Enter the
["newdate"] command at the command line.
The newdate variable specifies the new date and time enclosed in double quotation marks. The
operand is optional; if omitted, the current date and time is displayed. Date and time are specified as a
string in the mmddhhmmyy format:
• mm: Specifies the month. Valid values are 01 to 12.
• dd: Specifies the date. Valid values are 01 to 31.
• hh: Specifies the hour. Valid values are 00 to 23.
• mm: Specifies the minutes. Valid values are 00 to 59.
• yy: Specifies the year, valid values are 00 to 37 and 70 to 99. Year values from 70 to 99 are
interpreted as 1970 to 1999; year values from 00 to 37 are interpreted as 2000 to 2037.
device:admin> date
Thu Dec 22 14:05:10 UTC 2016
36 IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-7: SAN128B-7 Installation, Service, and User Guide