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IBM Flex System FC5022 16Gb SAN Scalable Switches



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Summary of Contents for FC5022

Page 1: ...ue differentiation in the market including Increased server density The 28 internal FC ports allow up to 28 Information ITEs in a single chassis which lowers the average server cost of the solution Gr...

Page 2: ...ex System FC5022 16 Gb Fabric Watch Upgrade 00Y3320 A3HN ESW3 IBM Flex System FC5022 16 Gb ISL Trunking Upgrade 00Y3322 A3HP ESW4 The part numbers for the switches include the following items One IBM...

Page 3: ...on by model for IBM Flex System FC5022 switches Table 3 Feature comparison by model Feature 24 port 16 Gb ESB SAN switch 24 port 16 Gb SAN switch 16 Gb SAN switch Number of licensed ports 24 24 12 Num...

Page 4: ...bre Channel FC ports After all port licenses have been assigned you can manually move those licenses from one port to another Because this is dynamic no defined ports are reserved except ports 0 and 2...

Page 5: ...the only switch that provides up to 28 internal server facing FC ports which allows the Flex Chassis to scale to 28 server ITEs in a single chassis when using double density half width ITEs that lowe...

Page 6: ...for 16 Gb SFP or 8 Gb SFP transceivers supporting 4 Gb 8 Gb and 16 Gb port speeds supported SFP modules are listed in Table 2 Ports are activated with the Dynamic Ports on Demand feature External port...

Page 7: functionality contained within the Ethernet Control MIB II RFC1213 MIB UUID put into MIB structure End to end optics and link validation Ability to send switch events and syslogs to the IBM Chassis...

Page 8: ...FC standards FC AL 2 INCITS 332 1999 FC GS 5 ANSI INCITS 427 includes the following FC GS 4 ANSI INCITS 387 2004 FC IFR INCITS 1745 D revision 1 03 under development FC SW 4 INCITS 418 2006 includes...

Page 9: ...route to two switch bays for redundancy and performance Figure 2 Location of the switch bays in the IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis The connections between the 2 port adapters that are installed i...

Page 10: ...must be installed in a corresponding slot of the compute node slot A1 when switches are installed in bays 1 and 2 or slot A2 when switches are in bays 3 and 4 With compute nodes that have an integrat...

Page 11: ...Module bay 2 Port 3 Module bay 1 Slot 3 full wide compute nodes only Port 4 Module bay 2 Port 1 Module bay 3 Port 2 Module bay 4 Port 3 Module bay 3 Slot 4 full wide compute nodes only Port 4 Module b...

Page 12: ...Y2379 A3HU A3HU Yes IBM Flex System FC5052 2 port 16Gb FC Adapter 95Y2386 EC23 A45R Yes IBM Flex System FC5054 4 port 16Gb FC Adapter 95Y2391 EC2E A45S Yes IBM Flex System FC5172 2 port 16Gb FC Adapte...

Page 13: ...the switch physically by illuminating via the management software The Error LED switch module error indicates that the switch module has failed the POST or detected an operational fault One mini USB R...

Page 14: ...5 km LC Management ports External 1 GbE management port UTP Category 5 5E and 6 up to 100 meters RJ 45 External RS 232 management port DB 9 to mini USB or RJ 45 to mini USB console cable comes with op...

Page 15: ...eports and certificates per EN60950 1 2001 IEC60950 1 2001 Canada CSA C22 2 No 950 or 60950 Germany TUV VDE IEC 950 EN 60950 TUV component report IEC60950 CB Report and Certificate FCC Title 47 CFR Pa...

Page 16: ...dapters installed in compute nodes Table 10 shows the components used when connecting the 16 Gb FC adapters to the 16 Gb FC switches Table 10 Components used when connecting the 16 Gb FC adapters to t...

Page 17: ...ssi cgi bin ssialias infotype dd subtype ca htmlfid 897 ENUS112 053 IBM US Announcement Letter for the 16Gb 24 port SAN switch http ibm com common ssi cgi bin ssialias infotype dd subtype ca htmlfid...

Page 18: ...part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurri...

Page 19: ...s of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States other countries or both These and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with the ap...
