Qscan User’s Guide Version 1.4
Page 1
Command Description
Command Format (spaces for clarity only, do not use them )
Special Instructions
Qscans can be programmed in two ways:
1) Scanning control barcodes.
2) Sending commands to the reader serially.
Scanning Control Barcodes:
Make a Code39 barcode starting with %U followed by the command and
scan the barcode. Note that control card processing can be turned off by either a serial
command or a control barcode.
Serial commands:
Send the command to the reader serially by making a direct connection to the reader
and then sending the command, followed by a carriage return (hex 0D). If using a
terminal emulation program, the 0D is sent by hitting the enter key.
Qscan readers that have a wiegand output can be connected to a serial port for
sending commands. See page 55 for further information.
Command Format:
All programming commands are detailed in the following format: