Bad power adaptor:
Please contact I&A System Reseller for replacement of the adaptor.
When the value of the printer driver is not “Online” but “Offline”:
Change the setting to “Online”.
When the USB cable for printer transfer is off or the connection is bad:
Check the connection of the cable between PC and the printer.
Make the USB cable connection again.
Bad USB cable for printer transfer:
Change the USB cable.
If the selected printer is different model rather than SMART:
Select SMART to print.
Wrong port setting of the printer driver:
Check the port setting of the printer driver whether it is USB port or not.
No ribbon in the printer or printer in error mode:
Install ribbon in the printer or resolve the error.
Too long power or transfer cable (more than 1.5M):
Use the cable provided with the printer.
When USB transfer port of PC is down:
Restart your PC.