©
Mitsubishi
Digital
Electronics
America
www.mitsubishi
‐
presentations.com/
4.
Once
the
device
has
rebooted,
the
new
can
also
be
confirmed
at
the
boot
screen.
Note
You
will
no
longer
able
to
connect
to
your
device
using
default
(
because
the
device
has
been
modified
to
your
pre
‐
assigned
static
5.3.
Additional
device
settings
table
Additional
configuration
options
in
the
browser
menus
are
described
in
this
table.
Function
Name
Description
Documentation
Online
Help
(www)
Link
to
online
support
page
(Internet
access
required).
Device
Information
Device
Name
Modify
the
device
name.
Configuration
Automatically
obtain
an
from
server
or
assign
a
static
Extra
Routing
Advanced
network
function.
Allows
device
to
be
configured
under
complex
network
environments.
Please
obtain
the
configuration
data
from
your
network
administrator.
Date/time
setting
Set
your
time
zone
and
synchronize
time
and
date
of
the
device.
Clock
settings
run
on
built
‐
in
battery
for
up
to
several
years,
but
initially
you
will
need
to
set
it
to
your
time
zone
for
properly
scheduled
playback.
Video
setting
Choose
an
output
resolution
that
matches
your
display’s
native
resolution
for
the
best
results.
Security
Change
password
Change
the
web
browser
configuration
login
password.
Device
Management
mode
only)
File
manager
Add/delete
media
files
for
simple
playback.
For
advanced
scheduling
features,
try
the
Adfotain
Manager
Express
bundled
solution.
View
logs
The
playback
logging
feature
allows
you
to
check
player
activity
and
download
data
for
analysis.
Sample
Log
format:
2008/11/18
‐
13:11:20
play:
2008/11/18
‐
13:14:27
play:
2008/11/18
‐
13:14:34
play:
Display
input
text/text
file
using
(on
screen
display)
function.
Maintenance
Upgrade
firmware
Update
device
to
latest
firmware
version.
Backup
settings
Backup/restore
all
settings.
Logout
Sign
out
from
configuration
web
page.