DNS: Specify a DNS if necessary.
Contact your network administrator for this information.
HTTP Port: Use the default Port 80 if possible. Contact your network
administrator if the setting needs to be changed.
Physical Address: This is the camera’s unique MAC Address. It may not be
SNMP settings:
Not required for normal functioning of this camera. These settings are reserved for
troubleshooting and further development.
FTP Settings:
When configured, this feature allows
remote connection to the microSD
card inside the camera for remote
video retrieval.
FTP: Set to ON or OFF.
Must be set to ON to retrieve
video recorded to microSD card
FTP Login ID/FTP Password: Enter FTP login credentials.
Max Simultaneous Connection: Enter the maximum number of remote FTP
Client connections accepted by the microSD card. Note, this number does not
limit the number of remote Internet Explorer connections.
To view video recordings on the microSD card remotely, enter:
ftp://<Login ID>:<Password>@<IP address> in the address bar of an
Explorer window. E.g. ftp://i3admin:[email protected]. Time-stamped *.mp4
video recordings are stored in the individual time-stamped folders:
E.g. 2014-12-01 > 120114_103615.mp4 (Video was recorded on Dec. 1, 2014
at 10:36:15AM)