IACER S.r.l.
23 di 56 MNPG10 Rev. 06 Ed. 21/03/2010
Electromagnetotherapy distinguishes itself from the “traditional” magnetotherapy since it uses
high frequency electromagnets instead of permanent magnets: particularly, we refer to
electromagnetotherapy when using devices emitting high frequency and low intensity pulsed
electromagnetic fields (PEMF, carrying frequency from 20 to 30 MHz, with frequencies up to
5.000 Hz).
The principal use is focused on pain therapy: its action is to restore a cellular biomagnetic field
that the illness has weakened.
The use of high frequency and to low intensity PEMFs, allows to get ample therapeutic results
without collateral effects. This also allows the use in acute pathological trials. The
electromagnetotherapy is particularly suitable for the care of the soft tissues pathologies, with
extraordinary results in the regeneration of the tissues themselves.
Due to its characteristics, the electromagnetotherapy is universally recognized as the most suitable
technique for the treatment of the bony pathologies, in particular for the osteoporosys.
There are lots of effects that can be brought back to electromagnetotherapy: the piezoelectric effect,
the effect of orientation of the collagene, the stimulation of the calcic deposition
(Barker - Lunt
1983, Bassett – Pawluk – Pilla 1974, Bassett - Valdes – Hernandez 1982).
Since the present day, all the equipments of electromagnetotherapy were built particularly to
satisfy or the medical sector (with high prices) or the economic demands of patients, but with
products of low quality.
MAG1000 is born really to reconcile the demand to have an equivalent device, for performances
and effectiveness, to those devoted to medical sector, also maintaining a simplicity of use and an
extremely favorable price.