Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit or Mac OS
10.x and higher
After connecting the device to a computer, detection
and automatic installation of drivers from the system
will be performed.
Remark: The case surface can be warmed up during
operation. It is a usual operational feature and doesn't
mean a defect. This warming-up is caused by cooling
the electronics inside the case. We recommend not
covering the case by things.
Remarks: To ensure correct function of the device,
firstly it is necessary to format the disc. Proceed
according to the below mentioned instructions.
1) Click with the right button on „Desktop”.
2) Select „Administrate“.
3) Click on „Disc administration“.
4) Select HDD with the marking „Unassigned“ or
„Uninitialized“ and with the specified capacity of the
inserted disc (usually a number lower by same digit
places is displayed).
5) Provided the disc is not initialized, click on the left
field by the right button and select „Initialize disc“.
6) Click with the right button on the area of the disc and
select „New simple bunch“, click on „Next“.
7) Leave the maximum bunch size and click on „Next“.
8) Select „Assign a letter of the unit“ and click on „Next“.
9) Select „Format the bunch with the following setting“
(leave the initial settings). Click on „Next“ and „Finish“.
10) HDD will be formatted. The duration of formatting
depends on the HDD size; afterwards the HDD will be
viewable in the system.
Quick Start