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With the I-mop in the “Park” position, hold the scrub deck with one hand while using your other hand to
align the brush with the motor disc. Look for and align the latches and cut-outs in the brush and motor
disc. Turn the left brush clockwise and the right brush counterclockwise, until you see the motor disc
turning to lock the brushes in place.
Take the vacuum hose at the scrub deck of the i-mop and insert it into the hose connector on the
squeegee. Connect them by twisting the hose 1/4 turn or until they have lined up. Pull the hose back
up from the top while guiding the lower half back into the i-mop. Hold the scrub deck of the i-mop with
one hand while pushing the left side of the squeegee in place. Switch hands afterwards and repeat for
the right side of the squeegee.