2.1.8 Lighting protection
Lightning strikes can cause major damage on equipment and buildings. An
antenna placed on a roof is often the place of strike. Dish antennas mounted
against a wall are less risky. The cable conducts the lighting into the building.
Due to this behavior an antenna installation requires dual protection. The
antenna needs to be grounded, and the cable requires a surge protector.
Contact a local lightning specialist for advice on grounding. Below are some
general hints on lighting protection:
Never mount an antenna though the roof, only on the roof
Keep the antenna cable as much as possible out doors
The cable shield needs to be grounded on the highest possible point, and at
the point of entering the building.
Place a surge protector on the antenna connection at the bridge, and also on
the power supply of the bridge
Lightning protection is a profession. A specialist supplies a professional
installation that reduces the risks of damage caused by lightning strikes.
I-O advises always use a professional lightning specialist.