i-Frame User Manual
# playback will last 5 minutes ( 300 sec )
PLST file is NOT case sensitive.
File locations can be following:
Sdcard, SD, Sda1=USB1, Sda2=USB2, Memory, www, ftp, smb….
.ifr file allows operation with Memory (Memory can be controlled also via local Web access )
Parameters are not case sensitive
This file can be manually started from filelist or automatically started upon USB/SD insertion ( if
filename is “autorun.ifr”). Processed is according following syntax (XML file):
<copy from="USB1/Av" to="MEMORY/Averia/" DeleteBeforeCopy="true"/>
<start location="MEMORY/Av"/>
<delete location="MEMORY/Av"/>
<autocopy></autocopy> obligatory start /end
<Copy from=”Source” to=”Destination” DeleteBeforeCopy=”true” Recursion=”true”> if
DeleteBeforeCopy or Recursion not present then no Destination delete accomplished and no Recursion
<Start location=”Storage_path”/> where is Slideshow immediately started from
<Delete location=”Storage_path”/> deletes any file or folder
Simple ASCII file with list of www pages (1line=1URL). Processed with current system Delay, therefore
repetition of URL address causes refresh of web page. For Windows users - using Notepad.exe in
Windows requests Saving with ANSI Code page, otherwise there will be added some reserved bytes in
the header of the file (Unicode, UTF-8), which could cause problem in processing of first line). Save
with *.* mask, otherwise there will append .TXT in filename ( LIST.WWW.TXT) which device cannot