1. Decrease value button.
2. Bass bar. Touch its segments or touch
decrease/increase buttons to adjust bass.
3. Treble bar. Touch its segments or touch
decrease/increase buttons to adjust treble.
4. Increase value button.
5. Left channel button. Touch to adjust left
channel signal.
6. Front channel button. Touch to adjust
front channel signal.
7. Right channel button. Touch to adjust right
channel signal.
8, 10. Equalizer mode selection buttons.
11. Rear channel button. Touch to adjust
rear channel signal.
Clock adjust
2 3 4
1. Decrease hour/minute/second button.
2. Hours. Touch to enable hour adjustment.
3. Minutes. Touch to enable minute
4. Seconds. Touch to enable second
5. Increase hour/minute/second button.
6, 7. 12/24-hour clock mode selection buttons.
Screen adjust
After you touch this item, a cross appears in
the bottom left corner of the display. Press the
cross at place 1, then it will move to another
corner, press it again. Now it will move to the
third position, press it, then the last position.
After you pressed the green cross four times, OK
button will appear in the center of the touchable
display. Touch it to complete screen adjustment.
This procedure is useful when some
malfunction occurs with the touch screen, and
it needs adjustment.
System adjust
1. Parameter list.
2, 3. Option selection buttons.
4. List page scroll buttons. Touch to change
parameter list pages.
In this menu you can adjust a number of
general system operation parameters.
• Key Beep: Select ON or OFF, the default
setting is ON. It means when you press the
buttons, they are sounded.
• Moni Flex: select AUTO (the monitor is
closed automatically when the unit is powered
off) or MANUAL (the monitor remains in the
adjusted position).
• Rever Pola (Reverse Polarity): The signal is
+12 V when you back a car, select BATTERY on
the monitor; if the signal is 0 V, select GROUND.
• Subwoofer: set the subwoofer on or off.
• AMS Fullup: You can set the modes of
AMS. When the setup is ON, the presettable
stations are full, new one’s are not allowed.
When you select OFF, it will search continually.
• Local Area: You can select Europe, OIRT
or FM ONLY, to search the stations quickly in
your current area.
• Local: In this menu you can search local
stations. When selected ON, the strong signal
local stations can be received; when selected