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EN - 14

Read all instructions and safeguards before using. Please inform yourself about functions of this 

appliance. It may be useful to keep the page with the picture of the slicer and its parts opened. 

Save the instructions for further use or for a different user.

Directions for use

The appliance is intended for household use only. Food must be de-frosted, unwrapped and 

boneless prior to cutting. Misusing the appliance or modifying it may result in serious damage of 

the appliance.


Body of the slicer


Rotary knife

Sliding loader

Food holder handle


Adjusting knob


Fixing bolt for the rotary knife

Important safeguards

This appliance has been designed for 230 V power socket only.

In case of malfunction, cleaning or after use always make sure that the appliance is unplug


ged. Never pull the cord to disconnect it from the outlet. Grasp the plug and pull it from the 


Do not use outdoors. Do not place in or drop into water, do not expose to rain or humidity. Do 

not reach for the appliance that has fallen into water, unplug immediately. After unplugging 

remove the appliance from the water. Prior to further use return the appliance to a service 

center for examination and repair.

Do not operate the appliance with wet hands or standing on a wet floor. Do not use the wet 


This appliance is intended for household use only. It is not intended for commercial or indu


strial use.

Keep the appliance away from children. Assembling and disassembling the appliance and its 

storing should be carried out away from the children.

When plugged in do not leave the appliance unattended.

Prior to use make sure the appliance is correctly assembled and safely positioned.

The slicer should always be used with sliding loader and its food holder handle. Do not use 

the appliance for slicing deeply frozen food or bones.

Never operate the appliance if it is damaged. Return the appliance to a service center for 

examination and repair.

Use only included attachments.

Use the appliance as described in this manual. Any other use will void the warranty.

Prior to removing or touching the rotary knife switch the appliance off.

In case the supply cord is damaged it has to be replaced in authorized service in order to 

avoid risk of injury.

This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical.

Sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been 

given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for 

their safety. 

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.










Summary of Contents for FS 804E


Page 2: ...o vody nejprve odpojte z str ku ze z suvky a teprve potom vyjm te p stroj z vody P ed dal m pou it m nechejte kr je zkontrolovat v autorizo van m servisn m st edisku Nepou vejte kr jet s mokr ma rukam...

Page 3: velmi velk ch kus potravin Kousek potraviny kterou budete kr jet tla te dop edu pomoc dr ku potravin Kr je pou vejte pouze pro kr jen b n ch potravin v dom cnosti a nikoliv pro jin ely Nepou vejte...

Page 4: ...1 a posuvn pod vac st l ot ete m rn navlh enou l tkou Nepou vejte ist c pr ky abrazivn nebo hrub kart e Vyjmut kr jec ho no e Vy roubujte upev ovac roub no e 9 ve st edu kr jec ho no e Tento roub m op...

Page 5: ...pros m v robek nebo baterii pokud je p ilo ena v p slu n m m st zp tn ho odb ru kde bude provedena recyklace tohoto elektroza zen a bateri V Evropsk unii a v ostatn ch evropsk ch zem ch existuj m sta...

Page 6: ...stroja do vody najprv odpojte z str ku zo z suvky a a potom vyberte pr stroj z vody Pred al m pou it m nechajte kr ja skontrolova v autorizo vanom servisnom stredisku Nepou vajte kr ja s mokr mi ruka...

Page 7: ...du ve mi ve k ch kusov potrav n K sok potraviny ktor budete kr ja tla te dopredu pomocou dr iaku potrav n Kr ja pou vajte iba pre kr janie be n ch potrav n v dom cnosti a nikdy pre in ely Nepou vajte...

Page 8: ...n pod vac st l utrete mierne navlh enou l tkou Nepou vajte istiace pr ky abraz vne alebo hrub kefy Zlo enie kr jacieho no a Vy raubujte upev ovac raub no a 9 v strede kr jacieho no a Tento raub m opa...

Page 9: ...ti odovzdajte pros m v robok alebo bat riu ak je prilo en v pr slu nom mieste sp tn ho odberu kde bude vykonan recykl cia tohto elektrozariadenia a bat ri V Eur pskej nii a v ostatn ch eur pskych kraj...

Page 10: ...wodzie i wystawiana na oddzia ywanie deszczu lub wilgoci W razie upadku maszyny do wody naj pierw nale y od czy wtyczk z gniazdka i dopiero potem urz dzenie wyj z wody Przed kolejnym u yciem krajalnic...

Page 11: ...hni w pobli u gniazda elektrycznego Odwin wymagan d ugo przewodu zasilaj cego i pod czy wtyczk do gniazdka elek trycznego Dociskacz 4 na o y przyciskaj c na w zek lizgowy st podajnika 4 Krojenie Specy...

Page 12: ...u N kr kowy jest bardzo ostry Krajalnic nale y czy ci w regularnych okresach poniewa na krajalnicy lub za krajalnic mog gromadzi si resztki ywno ci podlegaj ce szybkiemu zepsuciu oraz kawa ki pieczywa...

Page 13: ...Ten symbol znajduj cy si na produkcie jego wyposa eniu lub opakowaniu oznacza e z produktem nie mo na obchodzi jak z odpadami domowymi Kiedy urz dzenie lub bateria akumulator b d nadawa y si do wyrzuc...

Page 14: ...o not operate the appliance with wet hands or standing on a wet floor Do not use the wet appliance This appliance is intended for household use only It is not intended for commercial or indu strial us...

Page 15: big cores or wrapped food Do not use the appliance for a continuous period longer than 10 minutes Be aware the rotary knife 5 still rotates for a short time after switching the slicer off For safet...

Page 16: ...with a damp cloth Do not use any detergents abrasive or rough brushes Removal of the rotary knife Unscrew the fixing bolt 9 in the center of the chopping knife This bolt has a counter clockwise threa...

Page 17: ...n point where the electrical appliances or batteries will be recycled The places where the used electrical appliances are collected exist in the European Union and in other European countries as well...

Page 18: ...robku po kozen p stroje vlivem iveln pohromy pou v n v robku pro jin ely ne je obvykl pou v n v robku k profesion ln i jin v d le n innosti pou v n v robku s jin m ne doporu en m p slu enstv m nespr v...

Page 19: ...ont e v robku po kodenia pr stroja vplyvom ivelnej pohromy pou vania v robku pre ely pre ktor nie je ur en pou vania v robku na profesion lne i in z robkov innosti pou vania v robku s in m ne doporu e...

Page 20: ...akres zwyk ego u ywania zw aszcza je eli by wykorzystywany do profesjonalnej lub innej czynno ci zarobkowej uszkodzenia spowodowane czynnikami zewn trznymi w tym wy adowaniami atmos ferycznymi przepi...

Page 21: ...dowane nieprzewidywalnymi oko liczno ciami tj niepokoje spo eczne kl ski ywio owe ograniczenia importowe itp Gwarancja nie wyklucza nie ogranicza ani nie zawiesza praw konsumenta wynika j cych z niezg...

Page 22: ...Pozn mky Notatka Notes...

Page 23: ...Pozn mky Notatka Notes...

Page 24: ...Seoul Korea...
