Severe driving conditions
A. Repeatedly driving short distance of less than 5 miles (8 km) in normal temperature
of less than 10 miles (16 km) in freezing temperature.
B. Extensive engine idling or low speed driving for long distances.
C. Driving on rough, dusty, muddy, unpaved, graveled or salt- spread roads.
D. Driving in areas using salt or other corrosive materials or in very cold weather.
E. Driving in heavy dust condition.
F. Driving in heavy traffic area.
G. Driving on uphill, downhill, or mountain roads repeatedly.
H. Using for towing or camping, and driving with loads on the roof
I. Driving as a patrol car, taxi, other commercial use of vehicle towing.
J. Frequently driving under high speed or rapid acceleration/deceleration.
K. Frequently driving in stop-and-go conditions.
L. Engine oil usage which is not recommended(Mineral type, Semi-synthetic, Lower
grade spec, etc.)