Fig. 82: Placing Piston In Support Fixture
5. To install a new pin, the proper fork inserts must be in place to support the rod.
6. Position the rod inside the piston. Insert the proper pin guide through one side of the piston and through
the rod. Hand tap the pin guide so it is held by the piston. Insert the new pin into the piston from the other
side and set the assembly into the support fixture with the pin guide facing down.
The pin guide should be centered on the connecting rod through the
piston. If assembled correctly, the pin guide will sit exactly under the
center of the hole in the tool's arch, and rest evenly on the fork inserts. If
the wrong size pin guide is used, the piston and pin will not line up with
the support fixture.
2002 Hyundai Accent GL
2002 ENGINE Engine Mechanical System (DOHC 1.6L) - Accent
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021 07:12:58 a. m.
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