1- 17
must always be positioned as low as
must always be positioned as low as
must always be positioned as low as
must always be positioned as low as
must always be positioned as low as
possible on the child's hips and as snug
possible on the child's hips and as snug
possible on the child's hips and as snug
possible on the child's hips and as snug
possible on the child's hips and as snug
as possible.
as possible.
as possible.
as possible.
as possible.
o If the seat belt will not properly fit the
If the seat belt will not properly fit the
If the seat belt will not properly fit the
If the seat belt will not properly fit the
If the seat belt will not properly fit the
child, Hyundai recommends the use of
child, Hyundai recommends the use of
child, Hyundai recommends the use of
child, Hyundai recommends the use of
child, Hyundai recommends the use of
an approved booster seat in the rear
an approved booster seat in the rear
an approved booster seat in the rear
an approved booster seat in the rear
an approved booster seat in the rear
seat in order to raise the child's seating
seat in order to raise the child's seating
seat in order to raise the child's seating
seat in order to raise the child's seating
seat in order to raise the child's seating
height so that the seat belt will properly
height so that the seat belt will properly
height so that the seat belt will properly
height so that the seat belt will properly
height so that the seat belt will properly
fit the child. Before purchasing a booster
fit the child. Before purchasing a booster
fit the child. Before purchasing a booster
fit the child. Before purchasing a booster
fit the child. Before purchasing a booster
seat, make sure that it meets applicable
seat, make sure that it meets applicable
seat, make sure that it meets applicable
seat, make sure that it meets applicable
seat, make sure that it meets applicable
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
(FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for
(FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for
(FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for
(FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for
(FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for
use with this vehicle.
use with this vehicle.
use with this vehicle.
use with this vehicle.
use with this vehicle.
o Never allow a child to stand up or kneel
Never allow a child to stand up or kneel
Never allow a child to stand up or kneel
Never allow a child to stand up or kneel
Never allow a child to stand up or kneel
on the seat.
on the seat.
on the seat.
on the seat.
on the seat.
o Never use an infant carrier or child safety
Never use an infant carrier or child safety
Never use an infant carrier or child safety
Never use an infant carrier or child safety
Never use an infant carrier or child safety
seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may
seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may
seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may
seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may
seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may
not provide adequate security in an acci-
not provide adequate security in an acci-
not provide adequate security in an acci-
not provide adequate security in an acci-
not provide adequate security in an acci-
o Never allow a child to be held in a per-
Never allow a child to be held in a per-
Never allow a child to be held in a per-
Never allow a child to be held in a per-
Never allow a child to be held in a per-
son's arms while they are in a moving
son's arms while they are in a moving
son's arms while they are in a moving
son's arms while they are in a moving
son's arms while they are in a moving
vehicle, as this could result in serious
vehicle, as this could result in serious
vehicle, as this could result in serious
vehicle, as this could result in serious
vehicle, as this could result in serious
injury to the child in the event of an
injury to the child in the event of an
injury to the child in the event of an
injury to the child in the event of an
injury to the child in the event of an
accident or a sudden stop. Holding a
accident or a sudden stop. Holding a
accident or a sudden stop. Holding a
accident or a sudden stop. Holding a
accident or a sudden stop. Holding a
child in a moving vehicle does not pro-
child in a moving vehicle does not pro-
child in a moving vehicle does not pro-
child in a moving vehicle does not pro-
child in a moving vehicle does not pro-
vide the child with any means of protec-
vide the child with any means of protec-
vide the child with any means of protec-
vide the child with any means of protec-
vide the child with any means of protec-
tion during an accident, even if the per-
tion during an accident, even if the per-
tion during an accident, even if the per-
tion during an accident, even if the per-
tion during an accident, even if the per-
son holding the child is wearing a seat
son holding the child is wearing a seat
son holding the child is wearing a seat
son holding the child is wearing a seat
son holding the child is wearing a seat
Using a Child Restraint System
For small children and babies, the use of a child
seat or infant seat is strongly recommended
and may be required in your state. This child
seat or infant seat should be of appropriate size
for the child and should be installed in accor-
dance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is
further recommended that the seat be placed in
the vehicle's rear seat since this can make an
important contribution to safety. Your vehicle is
provided with three child restraint hook holders
for installing the child seat or infant seat.
Cover, Child Restraint
Hook Holder (4 door only)
Bolt, Holder (5/16"-30 mm)
Washer, Conical Spring
Holder, Child Restraint Hook
Spacer (10mm),
Child Restraint Hook Holder
Retainer Washer
Spacer, Hook Holder Cover
Rear seat package tray
Tether strap hook
Front of Vehicle
Installing a Child Restraint Seat with the
"Tether Anchorage" System (4 DOOR)
Three child restraint hook holders are located
on the rear seat package tray. To install the
child restraint seat, connect the child restraint
tether strap hook to the child restraint hook
holder and tighten to secure the seat.