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SRS Components and Functions
SRS Components and Functions
SRS Components and Functions
SRS Components and Functions
SRS Components and Functions
The SRS consists of the following components:
- Driver's Airbag Module
- Passenger's Airbag Module
- Knee Bolster
- SRS Service Reminder Indicator (SRI)
- SRS Control Module (SRSCM)
The SRSCM continually monitors all elements
while the ignition is "ON" to determine if a frontal
or near-frontal impact is severe enough to
require airbag deployment.
o Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS
Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS
Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS
Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS
Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS
wiring, or other components of the SRS
wiring, or other components of the SRS
wiring, or other components of the SRS
wiring, or other components of the SRS
wiring, or other components of the SRS
system. Doing so could result in injury,
system. Doing so could result in injury,
system. Doing so could result in injury,
system. Doing so could result in injury,
system. Doing so could result in injury,
due to accidental firing of the airbags or
due to accidental firing of the airbags or
due to accidental firing of the airbags or
due to accidental firing of the airbags or
due to accidental firing of the airbags or
by rendering the SRS inoperative.
by rendering the SRS inoperative.
by rendering the SRS inoperative.
by rendering the SRS inoperative.
by rendering the SRS inoperative.
o Do not install a child restraint system in
Do not install a child restraint system in
Do not install a child restraint system in
Do not install a child restraint system in
Do not install a child restraint system in
the front passenger seat position. A child
the front passenger seat position. A child
the front passenger seat position. A child
the front passenger seat position. A child
the front passenger seat position. A child
restraint system must never be placed in
restraint system must never be placed in
restraint system must never be placed in
restraint system must never be placed in
restraint system must never be placed in
the front seat. The infant or child could be
the front seat. The infant or child could be
the front seat. The infant or child could be
the front seat. The infant or child could be
the front seat. The infant or child could be
severely injured or killed by an airbag
severely injured or killed by an airbag
severely injured or killed by an airbag
severely injured or killed by an airbag
severely injured or killed by an airbag
deployment in case of an accident.
deployment in case of an accident.
deployment in case of an accident.
deployment in case of an accident.
deployment in case of an accident.
o Do not allow children to ride in the front
Do not allow children to ride in the front
Do not allow children to ride in the front
Do not allow children to ride in the front
Do not allow children to ride in the front
passenger seat. If older children (teenag-
passenger seat. If older children (teenag-
passenger seat. If older children (teenag-
passenger seat. If older children (teenag-
passenger seat. If older children (teenag-
ers and older) must ride in the front seat,
ers and older) must ride in the front seat,
ers and older) must ride in the front seat,
ers and older) must ride in the front seat,
ers and older) must ride in the front seat,
make sure they are always properly belted
make sure they are always properly belted
make sure they are always properly belted
make sure they are always properly belted
make sure they are always properly belted
and that the seat is moved back as far as
and that the seat is moved back as far as
and that the seat is moved back as far as
and that the seat is moved back as far as
and that the seat is moved back as far as
o For maximum safety protection in all
For maximum safety protection in all
For maximum safety protection in all
For maximum safety protection in all
For maximum safety protection in all
types of crashes, all occupants includ-
types of crashes, all occupants includ-
types of crashes, all occupants includ-
types of crashes, all occupants includ-
types of crashes, all occupants includ-
ing the driver should always wear their
ing the driver should always wear their
ing the driver should always wear their
ing the driver should always wear their
ing the driver should always wear their
seat belts whether or not an airbag is
seat belts whether or not an airbag is
seat belts whether or not an airbag is
seat belts whether or not an airbag is
seat belts whether or not an airbag is
also provided at their seating position to
also provided at their seating position to
also provided at their seating position to
also provided at their seating position to
also provided at their seating position to
minimize the risk of severe injury or
minimize the risk of severe injury or
minimize the risk of severe injury or
minimize the risk of severe injury or
minimize the risk of severe injury or
death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or
death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or
death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or
death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or
death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or
lean unnecessarily close to the airbag
lean unnecessarily close to the airbag
lean unnecessarily close to the airbag
lean unnecessarily close to the airbag
lean unnecessarily close to the airbag
while the vehicle is in motion.
while the vehicle is in motion.
while the vehicle is in motion.
while the vehicle is in motion.
while the vehicle is in motion.
o The SRS airbag system must deploy very
The SRS airbag system must deploy very
The SRS airbag system must deploy very
The SRS airbag system must deploy very
The SRS airbag system must deploy very
rapidly to provide protection in a crash.
rapidly to provide protection in a crash.
rapidly to provide protection in a crash.
rapidly to provide protection in a crash.
rapidly to provide protection in a crash.
If an occupant is out of position because
If an occupant is out of position because
If an occupant is out of position because
If an occupant is out of position because
If an occupant is out of position because
of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may
of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may
of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may
of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may
of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may
forcefully contact the occupant causing
forcefully contact the occupant causing
forcefully contact the occupant causing
forcefully contact the occupant causing
forcefully contact the occupant causing
serious or fatal injuries.
serious or fatal injuries.
serious or fatal injuries.
serious or fatal injuries.
serious or fatal injuries.
Rear impact
Side Impact
o Front airbags are not intended to deploy
in side-impact, rear-impact or rollover
crashes. In addition, airbags will not de-
ploy in frontal crashes below the deploy-
ment threshold speed.
o The driver should sit back as far as pos-
The driver should sit back as far as pos-
The driver should sit back as far as pos-
The driver should sit back as far as pos-
The driver should sit back as far as pos-
sible while still maintaining control of
sible while still maintaining control of
sible while still maintaining control of
sible while still maintaining control of
sible while still maintaining control of
the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to
the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to
the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to
the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to
the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to
the airbag, it can cause death or serious
the airbag, it can cause death or serious
the airbag, it can cause death or serious
the airbag, it can cause death or serious
the airbag, it can cause death or serious
injury when it inflates.
injury when it inflates.
injury when it inflates.
injury when it inflates.
injury when it inflates.
o No objects should be placed over or near
No objects should be placed over or near
No objects should be placed over or near
No objects should be placed over or near
No objects should be placed over or near
the airbag modules on the steering wheel,
the airbag modules on the steering wheel,
the airbag modules on the steering wheel,
the airbag modules on the steering wheel,
the airbag modules on the steering wheel,
instrument panel, and the front
instrument panel, and the front
instrument panel, and the front
instrument panel, and the front
instrument panel, and the front
passenger's panel above the glove box,
passenger's panel above the glove box,
passenger's panel above the glove box,
passenger's panel above the glove box,
passenger's panel above the glove box,
because any such object could cause
because any such object could cause
because any such object could cause
because any such object could cause
because any such object could cause
harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe
harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe
harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe
harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe
harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe
enough to cause the airbags to deploy.
enough to cause the airbags to deploy.
enough to cause the airbags to deploy.
enough to cause the airbags to deploy.
enough to cause the airbags to deploy.
o If the airbags deploy, they must be re-
If the airbags deploy, they must be re-
If the airbags deploy, they must be re-
If the airbags deploy, they must be re-
If the airbags deploy, they must be re-
placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.