To access this item, press the
key in the home screen and then select “Settings”.
Radio Set
You can optimize your radio performance by customizing related parameters according to actual needs
and your preferences.
Power Level
This option allows you to set TX power level. Alternatively, you can change the power level by
pressing the shortcut key for Adjust Power Level in the home screen.
There are two levels available: High (indicated by
) and Low (indicated by
. High power
level enables you to communicate with farther team members.
Power level should be set for each channel individually.
This option allows you to select an appropriate squelch level. Alternatively, you can change the
squelch level by pressing the shortcut key for Adjust Squelch Level in the home screen. There are
three levels available: Tight, Normal and Open. The default squelch level is “Normal”, and is often
used in low noise environment.
And generally, “Tight” is used in high noise environment. It requires stronger signal for the radio to
unmute. However, if the squelch level is set to Open, the speaker will keep unmuted irrespective of
the decoding conditions.
To set whether to enable the Scrambler/Encrypt feature.
To set the language in which all interface information is displayed.