Figure 0-21, Console Quick Config Screen
The Console Quick Config screen permits the user to enter configuration data. Use the Tab key to
move to the next field and the Shift-Tab key to move to the previous field.
The Route Table data can be seen by pressing the F2 key and Statistics data by pressing the F3 key.
The F4 key is used to exit a screen.
Managing the Hypertec Router from a Browser
The Hypertec Router can be configured and managed from an attached Ethernet station using virtually
any standard Web Browser. The station must have the EasyWeb program installed as described in
Chapter 2.
Start the browser and enter the URL: http://<your web server name>/EasyWeb/login.htm. This will
cause the screen shown in Figure 0-22, EasyWeb SNMP Manager to be displayed.
Enter the IP Address and click on the Submit button.
Follow the instructions on the subsequent screens to configure and manage the Hypertec Router.