Example using the Microsoft Personal web server on Win95.
Run the Microsoft Personal web server on Windows 95
Double click the icon on the right end of the task bar. A tagged Personal Web Server Properties)
dialog box pops up.
Select the Administration page.
Press the Administration button to launch the default web browser on your system.
The Internet Services Administration web page is shown on the browser. Select WWW
Administration to bring up the Internet Services Administrator-WWW page.
Select directories. A list of directories and aliases is displayed.
Add an alias for the EasyWeb html alias.
Click the hyperlink Add under Action
Enter the path of the installed web pages (<install path>\EasyWeb\).
Enter the alias name, for example, EasyWeb.
Set the access mode to READ
If cgi-bin is defined in the directory list, copy the cgi files into this directory. Otherwise add the
cgi-bin alias.
Click the hyperlink Add under Action.
Enter the path of the installed cgi-bin file (<install path>\EasyWeb\cgi-bin)
Enter the alias name as cgi-bin.
Set the access mode to Execute and Read
Restart your web server. You can access by the URL: http//<your web server
Concepts and Principles of Operation
Hypertec ISDN 10T Router provides two types of communication services, namely, data communication
services and voice communication services.
The data communication service enables the LAN users to access the Internet resources by an ISDN dial-
up to an ISP, and access the corporate resources by the ISDN dial-up to the office.
The voice communication service enables users to place or receive phone calls using the ordinary analog
telephone, modem, or fax machine.
In this chapter, three major topics : ISDN, Data Service, and voice service are discussed in details. This
chapter also includes information about ISDN line provisioning, and the Hypertec ISDN 10T Router
operation principles in the area of Internet/Intranet profiles, and bandwidth management.
ISDN Overview
ISDN stands for Integrated Service Digital Network. The service is designed to deliver data, voice, video
traffic in digital format. ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) consists of 2B+D channels. The D channel at 16
KBPS is mainly used for ISDN signaling to establish or tear down the 2 bearer (B) channels. Each B
channel operating at 64 KBPS is capable of delivering data or voice service. Although standardised by
international standard body ITU, many countries and regions implement their ISDN network slightly
different from each other. The Hypertec Router is designed to support different ISDN switches for
different countries and regions.