Vortex 3 Voice Effects Unit,
Hyperdyne Labs LLC
Setting 7: Change the fine tuning mic gain
You will see that the bulk mic gain setup changes by +5 dB each table entry. If you want finer control, say your mic
really does the best with 36 dB of gain. When you press the PROG button 7x, this will increment the current
selected mic gain by + 1dB. So to get 36 dB of total gain (from the default settings), press the PROG button 6x,
check the report. It should of changed the bulk gain to 35 dB. Now press the PROG button 7x. This will increment
the mic gain 1 dB for a total of 36 dB.
NOTE: Once you inc4 dB, the fine gain will roll back to 0 dB. You should increment the bulk gain if you
need to go up by 5 dB. The table values for fine gain are [0 dB], 1 dB, 2 dB, 3 dB, 4 dB
Setting 8: Enable/disable breath sound effect
You can easily add background breathing or other sound effects that will be mixed in with your voice.
The Vortex 3 board has a microSD slot to store breathing sounds. You can have up to 4 different breathing sounds
and also change the playback on the fly. For example, you can have breath sounds for normal breathing, fast
breathing, strained breathing, aux.
You can enable or disable auto playback of the breath sound effect by pressing the programming pushbutton 8x. The
default setting is “on”, so any WAV files on the SD card will be accessed.
On the SD card, the files "BREATH1.WAV", "BREATH2.WAV", "BREATH3.WAV", and "BREATH4.WAV" are
valid breath file names. They should be WAV files with 44.1kHz sample rate and 16 bit sample depth.
By default, breath 1 is selected to play out. You can also change the breath sound currently being played out by
using the PTT remote pushbutton cable (explained later in Section D).
Setting 9: Change breath volume
You can also change the volume of the breathing sound so it is either softer or at the same volume as your voice.
There are several volumes to choose from. Many times the volume of the breathing is lower than your voice so this
option allows you to fine tune it to your liking.
Setting 10: Changing silent time between breaths
This setting allows you to set the silent time between breath sounds. The default is 2 sec and you can go up to 6 sec
of silence between breaths.
Setting 11: Changing the amount of helmeted effect
You can also fine tune the amount of reverb for the helmeted effect that Vader has. The default is high, and options
for low or medium are also available. Sometimes the actual wearing of a helmet will increase reverb - depending on
the mic used - so this option lets you tune the amount based on your setup.
Setting 12: Reset all settings to factory defaults
Pushing the PROG button 12x will reset all the saved settings back to their default values. If you ever want to
reprogram the user settings for your board (as outlined in Section C), or just go back to the default settings, this
feature allows you to do that. Reference the table above for all default settings.