Short Guard Interval (SGI):
The guard interval is the space between symbols
(characters) being transmitted. Adding time between symbol transmissions allows
these echoes and reflections to settle in before the next symbol is transmitted. In
normal 802.11 operations, the guard interval is 800ns. In good link condition without
interferences, enable the short guard interval will short the time between symbol
transmissions into 400ns to enhance the efficiency of data transmission.
Transmission Antenna:
There are 3 antenna options for selection
Receiving Antenna:
Same as Transmission Antenna, there are 3 antenna options for
selection too.
Wireless Setup / Differential Tx Rates
In this page, you can set the Differential Tx rates at fixed range.
Wireless Setup / Security
To prevent unauthorized radios from accessing data transmitted over the
link, the Encryption Settings window offers WPA2 PSK features, making your data
transmission over air more secure and allows you to specify Encryption Key(s).
WPA2 PSK – AES encryption