REV A MTD 2065
System Q7 and place into the CD drive.
b. Under the Operation tab, select BAX Maintenance, select Import Calibration, click
the Browse option, locate the CD drive and open, highlight the calibration file and
select open.
c. Click Import, a prompt will ask if you are sure you want to overwrite the current
calibration data, select ok. This will only take a few seconds and you will see Import
Complete when finished.
d. Update instrument name and serial number, Operation tab, select BAX Maintenance,
update instrument name and serial number with current instrument information.
5. Using the launched software, run the functional tests for a system check to ensure
that the machine is in functional order (System Start Up & Check Section, #2, a – c)
6. Calibration Check:
a. Under the Diagnostics tab, select Calibration, select view calibration report. Note
date of calibration.
b. Under the Help tab, select About BAX® System, to obtain the current software
7. Complete the BAX® System Q7 Installation Checklist, save for your records and
attach in an email to Hygiena at