IP Relay HWg-ER02b - Manual
HW group
38/ 42
Default settings
*** HW-group.com HW 6.0 SW 3.1.x #01 ***
*** PortBox I/O ***
MAC Address 00:0A:59:02:06:EF
=========== IP Setup ============
I: Address
J: Port 23
M: Mask
G: Gateway
===== In IP access filter ======
W: Address
N: Mask
X: Port 0.0
Y: Port Mask 0.0
== Active (Client/Server) mode ==
S: Send to IP PASSIVE mode
U: Port 4023
B: IP Protocol Retry 35
T: IP mode TCP
V: NetworkVirtualTerminal On
K: Keep connection Off
E: Erase buffer on None
========= Serial Setup ==========
&B: Speed 9600
&D: Data bits 8
&P: Parity None
&V: Variable Parity Off
&S: Stop bits 1
&C: Flow Control None
&R: RTS Output unasserted [~ -8V]
&A: DTR Output unasserted [~ -8V]
&T: Serial Line Timeout 0 - Off
&G: Char. Transmit Delay 0 - Off
&H: Tx Control Tx FULL duplex
&I: RS485/RS422 control Off
======== Security Setup =========
%A: TCP autorisation Off
%K: TEA key 0:01:02:03:04 1:05:06:07:08 2:09:0A:0B:0C 3:0D:0E:0F:10
%S: TCP/IP setup On
======= I/O Control Setup =======
#T: Trigger AND mask 0
#A: Power Up INIT 0
#B: Power Up AND mask 255
#C: Power Up OR mask 0
#D: Power Up XOR mask 0
#X: KEEP mask 0
#Y: AND mask 255
#Z: OR mask 0
#W: XOR mask 0
--- I/O tcp/ip OPEN connection --
#1: AND mask 255
#2: OR mask 0
#3: XOR mask 0
-- I/O tcp/ip CLOSE connection --
#4: AND mask 255
#5: OR mask 0
#6: XOR mask 0
------- I/O edge mask -------
#R: Rise edge mask 0
#F: Fall edge mask 0
------- I/O control -------
#E: GPIO control from UDP Off
-------- Active COM mode --------
#V: GPIO control from COM Off
============ Other ============
D: Load/Save Settings from/to Flash
R: Reboot