IP Relay HWg-ER02b - Manual
HW group
14/ 42
Controlling I/O using NVT
Use the Hercules utility:
connect the test board to the connector and turn on the
Change to the “
UDP Setup
” tab, find the devices, and make sure that the “Enable TCP setup”
and “Enable NVT” options in the lower left-hand portion next to the MAC list are checked for
the respective device. If not, check both options and save your settings to the device.
click the IP address in the “UDP Setup” tab and change to the “
Test mode
” tab. The
double-click action should transfer the IP address and port to the Test tab. If this does not
happen, enter the values manually.
Click “Connect”. The listing at the
left-hand side displays Connecting,
followed by one or three NVT
commands in the received data. All
recognized commands are
displayed in blue.
The image shows the listing and the
configuration options of the
Hercules utility. To invoke the
menu, right-click the receiving or
transmitting pane.
At this point, click “
” in the
lower right-hand corner to read the
inputs (8 switches at the test
board). Input states are indicated by
the virtual LEDs D0 to D7,
respectively. States can be inverted
with the “LED polarity” option.
The D0
– D7 checkboxes set the corresponding outputs. The first command sets all outputs to
defined states, subsequent commands set individual bits. Outputs can be again inverted using
the “Inversed” option.
The “Write together” option does not send commands immediately when an output is selected;
tead, outputs are set after clicking “
When “Show I/O commands” is enabled, notice the IP Relay control sequences in the
incoming and outgoing panels. This makes it easy to test the commands.
Enter “FF F6” to the Send lines at the bottom, check HEX and click the corresponding Send
button to send this command. The receiving pane should show “
<WEB51 HW 4.7 SW 2.J SN
00A608 #01>
” or something similar. You have just sent your first NVT command requesting
“Are You There” identification, and the IP Relay replied with its HW and SW version. The SN
number consists of the last three bytes of the MAC address.
If the TCP connection is closed while working (red message “
Connection refused by
remote host
”), click “Connect” to reconnect. The module uses a rather short timeout (50 s)
for manual control.