IP Relay HWg-ER02b - Manual
HW group
30/ 42
Bitwise OR
0 (0x00) OR 0 (0x00)
= 0 (0x00)
255 (0xFF)
OR 0 (0x00)
= 255 (0xFF)
255 (0x0F)
OR 3 (0x03)
= 255 (0xFF)
240 (0xF0)
OR 8 (0x08)
= 248 (0xF8)
#A: Power Up INIT
A decimal value from
0 to 255
that is written to the
output register
device reset
(or power
failure), before the IP Relay attempts to establish a connection with the remote unit and synchronize
their digital inputs and outputs.
#B: Power Up AND mask
Binary mask of values from the remote side that affect the outputs when initializing for the first time
(after reset or power up).
#C: Power Up OR mask
Range of digital output values that can be
influenced by the states of inputs retrieved from the
remote side after RESET.
#D: Power Up XOR mask
The binary XOR function is suitable inverting individual output bits. This is used, for example, when a
button closes against GND but the corresponding relay needs to switch aPWR (logic LOW at
the input needs to be inverted to logic HIGH at the output).
#D = 0 (0x00)
– Values are transferred without changes. Logic HIGH at an input results in a
logic HIGH at the respective output.
#D = 1 (0x01)
– The D0 output bit is inverted with respect to the D0 input bit. Digital values at
D1 to D7 are transferred without changes (logic HIGH at input = logic HIGH at output).
#D = 255 (0xFF)
– All output bits are inverted with respect to the respective input bits.
Data synchronization in normal operation:
- PrevOut =
previous output state
- RxData =
received remote data
The previous formula is only used when two IP Relays are connected to each other back-to-
back. Inputs at one device are automatically mirrored at the outputs of the other
device. This is called the
Standard NVT commands can be used to access all the 8 output bits either directly,
without respect to the #B to #Z parameters, or using the defined masks.
However, in the common Box-2-Box mode, it is not possible to access the output
states from a PC because the IP Relay supports only one TCP connection at a time.
As long as a TCP connection to the other IP Relay is established, the IP Relay
cannot be accessed from a PC.