unit and a means to display screens which allow
the user to change parameters or display
graph’s, etc. The following paragraphs describe
the specific items on the Main Screen.
Figure 109- Unit Main Screen- No Alarms Misc Information
On Line is GREEN if the unit is communicating
with the PC (See Figure 111). If the unit has an
active alarm, an RED Alarm indication will be
displayed below the Online indicator (See
Figure 110). Note that clicking on the Alarm
button will send an Alarm acknowledgement to
the PCS Controller acknowledging the alarm.
See paragraph 10.9.11 for more information on
Figure 110- Main Screen With Alarms Date/Time
The Date and Time of the protocol unit are
shown in the upper right hand corner. Click on
either to display a dialog box that will allow the
Date and Time to be changed. Suction/Discharge
This section of the screen shows the status and
setpoints for the suction groups and the
discharge pressure. Pressure is shown in the
first column. Other columns show the setpoints
and alarm information. Clicking on the button
labeled “Compressor Setup” will display the
Suction/Compressor Setup Screen, where the
setpoints can be changed. Circuits
The circuit state (refrigeration or defrost), the
current temperature and the setpoint are shown
for all circuits. The user can view a graph of the
circuit temperature by clicking on the
appropriate button located beneath the circuit.
Clicking on the appropriate “Setup” button will
enter the Circuit Setup Screen where additional
information is displayed and setpoints can be
changed. Compressor Information
The status of all compressor’s for the Protocol
unit are shown in the lower left portion of the
screen. For each compressor (1 through 6) the
state of the compressor is shown (ON or OFF)
as well as the suction group that it is assigned to
and the relay point (of the main controller) that
it is associated with. Navigation to other screens
There are six buttons located at the bottom of
the main screen. These buttons are used to
navigate to other screens for status information
or to change setpoints. Each of these screens
are described in the following paragraphs. Note
that in each screen, a “Back” button is provided.
Clicking on the “Back” button will return to the
Main Screen.
10.9.5 System Setup
Pressing the “System Setup” button located on
the Main Screen will display the System Setup
screen. The System Setup screen is shown in
Figure 111.
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