Rev. 0909
Wiring color code
NOTE: Refer to label affixed to case to determine the actual
configuration as checked in the “TYPE INSTALLED”
Electrical Circuit Identification
Standard lighting for all models will be full length fluorescent
lamps located on the underside of each shelf, in the freezer
section, and half-length lamps in the canopy section. The
switch controlling all lamps is located on the rear wall just
above to top of the medium temperature case (RCD) and
under the bottom shelf.
electrical Service Receptacles (When applicable)
The receptacles located on the exterior of the merchandiser
are intended for scales and lighted displays. They are not
intended nor suitable for large motors or other external
Risk of Electric Shock.
This equipment has two power supply cords.
Unplug both cords before moving or servicing this equipment.
attachment Plugs
This unit contains two power supply cords. Each cord is a
different type. Connect each plug to a single outlet circuit.
The first attachment plug is a NEMA 5-15P type plug with
a 15 amp rating. A 15 amp line is required for the NEMA
5-15P plug. The second is a NEMA L5-0P type plug with
a 0 amp rating. A 0 amp line is require for the NEMA L5-
0P type plug. Each line must be separate with separate
circuit breakers.
do not attach both plugs to the same
electrical line!
field Wiring and Serial Plate amperage
Field Wiring must be sized for component amperes printed
on the serial plate. Actual ampere draw may be less than
specified. Field wiring from the refrigeration control panel to
the merchandisers is required for refrigeration thermostats.
Case amperes are listed on the wiring diagram, but always
check the serial plate.
Ballast location
Ballasts are located within the access panel that runs the
length of the rear of the case. Refer to diagram on page 6.