Version August 2010
HWT 160–M User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
The force thus set has to be constantly applied in the heating stage. The heating
stage is completed after the duration that is indicated below F
on the tag.
Despite the reduced force, the contact of the components and
the heating element must be ensured throughout this stage. It
must not be lost anywhere on the compoment circumference.
5.6 Change-over and Jointing
When the heating stage is completed, loosen the locking bar, turn the
hand wheel back to remove the components to be joined from the heating
element, tilt the heating element away from in-between them and bring
the components in contact with each other using the hand wheel.
The longest acceptable duration this process can take is the one indicated
in the column between F
and F
on the tag next to the hand wheel.
Immediately after contact is established between the component butts,
the jointing force has to be reached. Building this force, by continuing to
turn the hand wheel until the force indicator shows the value for F
, has
to be done as a consistent and linear increase. F
is the same as F
. Ac-
cordingly, it is computed, depending on the diameter and wall thickness,
with the help of the same formula given on the tag.
The force increase, to reach the jointing force, must not take longer than
indicated below F
on the tag.
5.7 Cooling Stage
When the jointing force is reached, block the movable carriage of the
machine at its position using the locking bar, in order for this force to be
kept. It must continue to be applied, while the joint cools down, for as
many minutes as indicated in the rightmost column of the tag next to the
hand wheel. Like all other durations, it depends on the wall thickness.
During this stage, no external forces must affect the newly assembled
5.8 End of Welding
When the duration indicated on the tag for the cooling stage is completed,
loosen the locking bar, open the pipe clamps, and take the newly as-
sembled joint out of them.
If any problem was apparent in the course of the welding pro-
cess, any of the maximum durations was exceeded or any of
the previously computed pressure levels was not consistently
maintained, the required quality of the weld is uncertain and
the welding process has to be repeated.
The electrical facing tool does
not operate.
1. The tool must be connected to
a power supply source, and the
source must meet the require-
ments posed by the facing tool.
2. The facing tool must fully rest
on the movement shafts (thus
actuating the micro-switch).