Window covering does not operate.
Make sure you have added the window covering
to a group. For more information, see “Group
Assignment” on page 3.
Make sure you have pressed the group button for
the group to which the window covering has been
assigned. If you need to add a window covering to
a group, see “Group Addition or Removal” on
page 4.
If you have just replaced a satellite eye,
you must reassign the window covering
to a group; see “Group Assignment” on page 3.
Due to differences in household
construction, radio control operation may vary
within a home. Try operating the window covering
from different locations in the home.
Window covering operates unexpectedly.
Make sure you have not accidentally added the
window covering to the wrong group. If you need
to remove a window covering from a group, see
“Group Addition or Removal” on page 4.
If you are not pressing the UP or
DOWN button when the window covering
is operating, make sure no one else is using a
backup wall switch or remote to control the window