locating Sprinkler Heads
D. Draw Sprinkler Locations
Decide where you will be installing large area sprinklers and
where you will be installing small area sprays. Large area
sprinklers should be 8 meters to 12 meters apart. Small area
sprays should be 3 meters to 5 meters apart. This spacing will
allow sprinklers to overlap their throw to assure even water
distribution. Do not mix sprinkler types within one area.
Do not place sprinkler heads too far apart; stay within
specifications listed on the Sprinkler Performance Charts on the
back cover. Spacing is determined by the size of the area the
sprinkler is serving. Additionally, a sprinkler should be spaced
so that it will spray both the head next to it and the head across
from it. Working with one area at a time, start placing sprinkler
Step 1.
The critical points on a plan are the corners.
Draw a quarter pattern sprinkler in each corner. Using a
compass, draw an arc showing the sprinkler’s watering
Step 2.
If the quarter heads will not spray each other
(head-to-head spacing), place heads along the perimeters.
Draw these sprinklers’ watering patterns.
Step 3.
Now look to see if the perimeter heads will be
spraying across the area to the heads on the other side.
If they do not, add full circle heads in the middle. An easy
way to locate these heads is to draw perpendicular grid
lines from one perimeter head to another. Again, using
the compass, draw an arc showing this sprinkler’s watering
pattern to make sure there is complete coverage.
Check with local agencies:
• To find out if a permit is required
before installing a sprinkler system.
• To determine where gas, telephone and
other utility lines are buried.
• To find out which type of backflow pre-
venter is required in your area.
Step 1
Step 2
Corners are critical points. Start
by placing sprinklers in each
Add sprinklers along the sides
if necessary.
Step 3
Larger areas may require sprinklers in the middle, in addition to the
sides, in order to provide head-to-head or overlapping coverage.
Convert curved areas to a series of straight lines; place sprinklers
the same as you would in square or rectangular areas. Adjustable
arc nozzles on spray heads work very well in curved areas.
Curved Areas