#2 will be turned on for the default Run Time). If the current station happens to be the lowest
number station in the controller, the highest station in the controller will be activated.
Disables the sequential station operation and turns off
the active station. A single acknowledge
tone will be
returned if the command was completed successfully.
The following is a list of things to remember regarding the operation of Genesis Maintenance Radio:
Acknowledgment of a legitimate command to the engaged Field Controller (FC) is indicated by a single tone
heard on your hand-held transceiver.
Errors in communication to the FC, as well as illegal commands, are indicated by two tones with about one-half
second pause between the two.
If you make an error and wish to abort the command, release the PTT button on the hand-held and wait for 5
seconds. An error message may be sent, and then you can proceed with a new command.
When using command 992#, only one station may be active. If multiple stations are active when the 992#
command is issued, the first station turned on will be the one that is left active for step-up and step-down. If no
stations are running, station #1 will be activated. When the Step-up/Step-down feature is disabled, the active
station will be shut off.
If a semi-auto Program is running, the Syringe timing function (970) cannot be used.
Manually turning on a station (nnn#) overrides existing semi-auto and automatic irrigation currently taking place
at the FC.
NOTE: Previously running Programs will only resume if the manual running station times-out on its own, or
if the syringe (970) command was used. All other maintenance radio commands will stop all irrigation
(manual, semi-auto, and automatic) when stopped by the hand-held.