Trouble Shooting
Photos Do Not Capture Subject of Interest
1. Check the “Sensor Level” (PIR sensitivity) parameter setting. For
warm environmental conditions set the Sensor Level to “High” and for
cold weather set the sensor to “Low”.
2. Try to set your camera up in an area where no heat resources are in
the camera’s field of view.
3. In some cases, set the camera near water will make the camera take
images with no subject in them. Try to aim the camera over ground.
4. Try to set camera on stable and immovable objects, i.e.: large trees.
5. At night, motion detector may detect beyond range of the IR
illumination. Reduce distance setting by adjusting sensor sensitivity.
6. Rising sun or sunset can trigger sensor. Camera must be reoriented.
7. If person/animal moves quickly, it may move out of the camera’s field
of view before photo is taken. Move camera further back or redirect
Camera Stops Taking Images or Will not Take Images
1. Please make sure that the SD card is not full. If the card is full, camera
will stop taking images. Or user can turn on “SD Cycle” to avoid such
2. Check batteries to make sure that alkaline, or NiMH AA batteries left
power is enough for camera to work.
3. Make sure that the camera power switch is in the “ON” position and
not in the “OFF” or “SETUP” mode.
4. When 4G function is on, there will be around 1-minute interval for
camera to send out photo before camera shooting the next photo. Pull
out SIM card, camera can shoot photos continuously.
5. Format the SD card with camera before using or when camera stops
taking images.