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Hufcor, Inc.

P.O. Box 5591, 2101 Kennedy Rd., Janesville, WI 53547 USA

800/356-6968; Service & Installation Dept: 800/542-6870 or 608/756-1241; FAX: 608/756-1246

E-Mail:  [email protected] . Website:

HUFCOR OWNERS MANUAL FOR SUMMIT VERTICAL LIFT PARTITION                                                     .Page 4 of 4


As with all fine machinery, regular maintenance and adjustments are required to keep your Hufcor partitions performing
properly for many years.  Contact your local Hufcor representative to perform an annual inspection (six months if your
partitions are used frequently).  Regular care will keep your partitions in good working condition and prevent emergency
service calls or costly repairs.  An annual inspection includes:


Clean and lightly lubricate all running surfaces.


Check guide rollers for signs of abnormal wear or breakage.  


Check out-of-plumb panels (indicating loose guide rollers).  


Check motor unit and chains - adjust as needed


Check and make sure all sound seals are functioning properly.


Check for torn or damaged face material.


Check all safety systems.


:  Your Hufcor partition is of a unique construction that permits replacement of individual parts.  Report all damage

promptly to your local Hufcor Distributor.  Repairs may only be made by a certified Hufcor installer who will only use
genuine Hufcor parts.  


The following cleaning instructions are for Hufcor standard finish materials and should work for most cleaning needs.  For
additional information, visit our website & Cleaning.  To clean custom finishes, contact the
finish supplier.


The vinyl surface of your Hufcor partition may be cleaned with warm water and mild soap. Sponge the surface clean and
wipe dry with a soft cloth.  A soft brush may be used if dirt is difficult to remove.  Carbon tetrachloride may be used for
removal of grease and oil.

CAUTION: Do not use lacquer thinner or other strong chemicals.  Many floor cleaning materials contain chemicals harmful to
vinyl.  Care should be taken when using such compounds near the partition.


:  Remove the stain as soon as possible, as stains on will become more difficult to remove if

they are allowed to dry. With a cleaning brush, remove any loose particles before applying liquid cleaning solutions.

First, apply a cleaner such as Tech Stain Remover, or Spartan SD-20 All-Purpose Cleaner Shampoo to a clean white towel.
Gently blot dry with a second clean white towel. Stubborn dirt or grease may be removed with Oakite Safety-Solv, Degreaser
Safety Solvent. Always test a clean, inconspicuous area before applying cleaner.

When cleaning stains with liquid solutions avoid oversaturation. Over-saturation distributes the stain deeper into the fibers
and may cause a ring once the stained area dries. It is better to repeat cleaning than it is to oversaturate.

Always use the minimum amount of cleaning solvent needed to remove a stain.

Commercial carpet cleaners may be used to clean carpeted surfaces.  Follow the instructions. provided by the commercial
cleaner manufacturer.


For daily use:
• Always allow the dry erase marker to dry completely before erasing. This means to let the solvent of the marker evaporate
before erasing.
• Always use a dry erase eraser or a soft cloth to remove the marker.
• When cleaning the board, make sure all marks are removed prior to using the Dry Erase White Board Cleaner.
• When a White board cleaner is not available, only use a mild soap and water solution. Rinse with clean water and wipe with
a soft dry cloth.
• If the board has excessive shadows or ghosting that will not clean off with the Expo Dry Erase Board Cleaner, then a
Maximum 70% isopropyl alcohol solution can be used to gently clean with a soft cotton cloth or micro fiber cloth. Abrasive
cloths can scratch the surface and permanently damage the dry erase feature. After cleaning with this process allow to dry
overnight.  For complete cleaning instructions visit

