HUDORA GmbH • Jägerwald 13 • 42897 Remscheid • Germany
Page 2
Item No. 75 053
Status 04/08
Instructions for Use and Perfect Juggling Fun
Congratulations on the purchase of your new juggling plates! We recommend you retain and
store this instruction manual along with the packaging in case questions should arise later. If
you pass on the product to others, always make sure you always give them this instruction
manual as well.
Please read this instruction manual carefully. The instruction manual is an integral part of the
product. Consequently, it should be retained and stored in a safe place along with the packaging
so that you can refer back to it if you ever have any questions. Please always remember to give
this instruction manual to any others you share the product with or give it to. If the product is
being set up, used or repaired by children, they should always be supervised by an adult.
4 juggling plates
No further parts, even any parts included with the package, are required for playing.
Before you start practicing your juggling skills:
Find a place where you will have ample space to practice. There should be a clearance of at least
3 m between you and any objects or ceiling above you and a clearance of at least 4 m around
you that is free of objects. No one should be in the clearance area around you while you are
playing, to make sure that you do not stumble over them and do not get injured. This is
particularly important since it will be difficult for you to visually check around you to determine
what or who you are moving towards.
Juggling with plates
Step 1
Please always hold the plates in a 90-degree
angle to your body. The plates in the figures on
the right have been drawn in the reverse order
to make them easier to recognize. Hold the rod
in such a manner that its bottom end rests in
the center of your palm and your index finger
lies along the rod point towards the top. Make
sure to hold the rod completely upright.
Step 2
You can now hang the plate on the rod by its
bottom edge.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3
Now slowly try to get the plate to turn around in
circles. Once the plate starts to move, you
can attempt to get it to turn faster and faster.
The key is to move the plates from your wrist.
Subsequently, if you suddenly hold the rod
completely still, the center of the plate will be
catapulted to the tip of the rod and turn on it
automatically. You have successfully completed
the trick! Of course your plate trick might not
work immediately. Don’t give up and try it again
right away? Keep exercising and soon you will
be a pro! Once you have mastered this skill, try
the following tricks:
Try to throw the plate in the air while it is
turning and catch it with the rod.
You can also transfer the plate to a second
rod in your other hand or even to your own
finger tip. Now check whether you can return
to the plate to its original position.
Even with just the rod you can perform some
intriguing tricks. For instance, you can balance
it on your palm, fingertip or forehead.
Have a partner join you and try to transfer or
Throw the plate to him or her.
Care and maintenance
To clean your plates, use a dry or slightly moist
piece of cloth. If your plates show any sharp
corners or edges, you must now longer use the
plates and dispose of them to avoid injuries. If
in doubt, please contact the Hudora
Service Center.
Disposal information
At the end of the rings’ useful life, please dispo-
se of them properly and if available, take them
to recycling locations. For further information,
please contact local waste
management companies.
We strive to sell only perfect quality products. If
errors or deficiencies should arise all the same,
we will do everything we can to eliminate them.
This is why we provide you with a wealth of
information on the product, available spare parts
and solutions to problems at
http://www.hudora.de, from where you can also
download instruction manuals in case you ever
lose one. You also have the option to contact us
via phone and we guarantee that your requests
will be handled to your utmost satisfaction:
For answers to frequently asked questions
(FAQs) and solutions to many technical issues,
please visit: http://www.hudora.de