HUCK Seiltechnik GmbH - Dillerberg 3
– 35614 Asslar-Berghausen
[email protected] -
Required accessories
: Small excavator, ladder of about 2m length baromet-
ric level, water balance, various drills (Ø11, Ø13, Ø17), various wrenches resp.
Allen wrenches, compactor (Frosch), screw driver.
Upper edges of concrete are rounded! Foundation sizes apply for regular
soil classification 4-5 (grown surface).
Soil classification 4: Light up to medium plasticity, interlaced, with little
sediment (proportion < 30 % larger than 63 mm grain size in diameter)
Soil classification 5: Grounds of soil classification 3 and 4 with more sed-
iment (proportion > 30 % larger than 63 mm grain size in diameter)
For safety reasons, foundations of sandy, soft grounds should be lay-
ered with a larger surface of at least 50%.
8. Assembly time approx. 45 minutes after the steel posts
have been set in concrete
Needed persons: 3
Possibly required spare parts can be obtained directly from your supplier or
from the company Huck Seiltechnik GmbH
Huck Seiltechnik GmbH
Dillerberg 3
D-35614 Aßlar/Berghausen
Tel. +49(0)6443/8311-99
We hereby confirm that this play equipment has been tested and certified
according to the new play equipment standard EN 1176.