Function description of the main screen operation buttons
1. The accumulated time column shows the time that has been worked.
2. The number of work can be increased or decreased according to the actual work
3. The gas content column displays the gas content value of the previous work.
4. The gas tank pressure column shows the pressure value of the degassing tank.
5. The temperature control column shows the temperature of the degassing tank.
6. The barometric pressure column displays the current barometric pressure.
7. The room temperature column shows the internal temperature of the machine.
8. Workflow bar shows the current work program.
9. The alarm bar shows the parts of the alarm.
10. The curve bar shows the pressure change curve.
11. The reset button resets the running program and can forcibly stop the running
12. The start button can start the gas content test.
13. The drain button performs the drain procedure.
14.Print button can print the value of gas content.
15. The setting button can set the operating parameters.