Huayu(Ningbo)New Energy Technologies Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ethernet cable is used to connect the HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 to an Ethernet router or hub. There is a web server built
inside HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3, which can be visited by type in the HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 IP address on a web browser.
If the HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 is connected to the internet directly or through a router, users may also visit the
HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 through a website.
USB devices can be connected to the HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 through the USB connector. Multiple types of USB
devices are supported by HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3, including USB disk, USB keyboard, USB mouse, USB scanner, etc.
HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 takes approximately 1-2 minutes to start up after power has been turned on. After start-up,
the system will enter the main interface as shown in Figure 3 (all three numbers will read “0” at start-up for the
first time).
Figure 3 shows the HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 main interface. The main interface is arranged in three horizontal rows,
which consist of the tool bar at the top, the display area in the middle, and the status bar at the lower part of
the screen. The tool bar contains 7 buttons: Save/Clear (Backup/Restore Factory Defaults), Summary Display
(Summary Display Interface), Today's Energy (Current Day Power Generation), 7-Day's Energy (Power Generation
Over the Past 7 Days), Monthly Energy (Power Generation Over Each Month), Yearly Energy (Power Generation
Over Each Year), and Settings. These buttons are used to display their respective content in the middle display
area. The display area shows the power-time curve for the current day as well as a power generation bar chart.
The status bar shows the device status, IP address, and current date.
If the main interface is idle for 2~3 sec., it will switch to a numeric summary interface, which is described as below:
The screen is divided into three parts. The upper part shows Today's Energy (Current Day Power Generation), the
lower right corner shows Lifetime (Total Power Generation Since Device Started Recording), and the lower left corner
shows CO2 reduction (Reduction In Carbon Dioxide Emissions). Touching any part of the screen will bring up the
main interface.
Figure 3 HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 Main Display
4. User Interface
4.1 Main Interface
4.2 Interface Overview
Figure 1 HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 Front View
Figure 2 HY-MDL/HY-MDL-3 Side View