SUN2000-(33KTL, 40KTL)-JP
User Manual
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2019-06-30)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Refer to documentation
Remind operators to refer
to the documents shipped
with the SUN2000.
Indicates the position for
connecting the protection
ground cable.
Operation warning
Do not remove the DC
input connector when the
SUN2000 is running.
Spot-check terminal
operation warning
Exercise caution when
operating spot-check
terminals because they
are always energized.
Disconnect the DC
switches 1 and 2
before performing the
dielectric withstand
voltage test through
the PV1+ to PV8+ and
PV1- and PV8- ports.
SUN2000 serial number
Indicates the SUN2000
serial number.
Weight label
The SUN2000 is heavy
and needs to be moved
with auxiliary tools or by
more than one person.
On the side of the SUN2000, there is a nameplate that contains the model information,
technical specifications, and compliance symbols, as shown in