1. Remove the rear panel of the cabinet.
2. Remove the fire cylinder.
a) Remove the fire cylinder fastener.
b) Take out the fire cylinder.
3. Check the fire cylinder and all components
for any damage, abrasion, or corrosion. If
there is any visible abrasion or corrosion,
replace the damaged components and all
corroded components.
4. Send the fire cylinder to the gas station to fill
extinguishant. Heptafluoropropane or
perfluorohexone is recommended. The
required amount is 3 kg.
Installing a Fire Cylinder
5. Check the status of the fire cylinder after filling extinguishing agent. If the fire cylinder is not
installed in the cabinet immediately after extinguishing agent is filled, check the status of the fire
cylinder again before installation.
• Check that the ball valve is closed (vertical to the cylinder).
• Check that the reading of the pressure gauge on the fire cylinder is greater than 1.6 Mpa at
and the pointer is in the green zone.
• Keep the fire cylinder upright.
• Ensure that the front of the pressure gauge
faces the right side of the cabinet (as shown in
the figure) and that the cylinder does not
interfere with the battery trays and the rear
cover of the cabinet.
6. Install the fire cylinder.
• In the process of assembling and filling,
please pay attention that the valve,
container and other parts should keep
clean and not polluted.
• This filling instruction only refers to the
process of valve installation and
extinguishing agent filling, and the rest
should be performed according to the
filling process of each filling station
(including bottle washing, pressure
testing, etc.).
a) Install the hose to the fire cylinder and tighten the connection nut.
b) Remove the valve positioning kit and open the valve.
c) Fill extinguishant into the fire cylinder through the hose.
d) After the extinguishant is filled, close the valve.
e) Slowly fill the drive gas (nitrogen) through the hose and open the valve again.
f) Shake the cylinder evenly and keep the pressure in the cylinder in the range of 1.7
–1.8 MPa at
g) After the pressure is stable, close the valve.
h) Reinstall the valve positioning kit.