7 Routing Cables
Fiber (LC)
• When optical modules are preinstalled to boards before
delivery, ensure that optical modules are properly
installed before connecting fibers to boards.
• To facilitate the subsequent maintenance, bundle the
newly routed optical fiber with the originally routed
optical fiber firmly. Ensure that the height of the bundled
optical fibers is lower than 55 mm.
• When handling optical fibers, do not stand close to or look into the optical fiber outlet directly with
naked eyes.
• Lead the optical fiber through a corrugated pipe. The mouth of the corrugated pipe must be
wrapped with the adhesive tape. In the cabinet, the corrugated pipe should not be longer than 100
mm. In addition, the corrugated pipe is bound at the cabling aperture.
• The bending radius of the optical fiber routed on the 48-port P2P board is greater than or equal to
5 mm.
• The 48-port P2P board has 24 optical transceivers. 12 optical fibers for six optical transceivers are
bundled in a group. When bundling the optical fiber, lean the optical fiber towards the right side of
the board. Do not pile up the optical fibers on the board. This avoids oppression among optical
fibers. Use four fiber binding straps at even distance to bundle the optical fibers of each board.
7.8 Routing Optical Fibers (P2P Board)
position 1
(ports 0-11)
position 3
(ports 0-35)
position 4
(ports 0-47)
position 2
(ports 0-23)