A Flash Tools
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Flash Tools
A.1 Overview
This chapter provides instructions on how to use AMI Flash Tools. The Flash Tools allow the
user to use Command_Line (CL) utility programs to upgrade or update
firmware via different
channels such as KCS, USB and LAN connections. We are going to focus on the following
tools in this manual.
YAFUFlash (Yet Another Firmware Upgrade Flash) allows the user to
flash the BMC in both
Linux and Windows environments via network or USB connections. You can choose to use
network connections or USB connections to
flash the BMC based on how you use the fl ash
YAFUKCS (Yet Another Firmware Upgrade Keyboard Controller Style) is used to
ash the
firmware in the DOS environment via the KCS (Keyboard_Controller_Style) interface.
Flashing the BMC Firmwar
e in the DOS Environment
YAFUKCS is the tool used to
flash the BMC firmware in DOS through the KCS interface. To
ash the BMC, follow the instructions below:
Step 4
Copy yafukcs.exe into your DOS machine.
Step 5
Run the yafukcs utility.
Step 6
Use the settings as listed below.
Format: Yafukcs
Table 3-1
Options Commands
Options Commands
User Guide
Issue 04 (2014-09-15)
RH2488 V2 BMC