AP Local Configuration
WLAN services parameters of an AP are configured on the AC that is connected To the AP, and then delivered to the AP.
The following parameters are configured on the AP through Telnet.
1. Configuring the AP Access Mode
This section describes how to configure the mode in which an AP goes online.
2. Configuring VLANs on Wired Interfaces of an AP
This section describes how to configure VLANs on wired interfaces of an AP.
3. Configuring WDS
This section describes how to configure WDS parameters on an AP.
1 Configuring the AP Access Mode
This section describes how to configure the mode in which an AP goes online.
AP Access Modes
After an AP starts, going online management module determines the mode in which the AP goes online. Users are
unaware of the AP access mode. In the AP startup phase, the AP obtains the its IP address, the gateway IP address,
and the AC IP address based on the access mode. After obtaining all the information, the AP sets up a Control And
Provisioning of Wireless Access Point (CAPWAP) link with the AC. The process is as follows:
1. The AP reads the configuration file and determines the mode to go online.
2. If the DHCP mode is used, the AP starts the DHCP process.
3. If the static mode is used, the AP starts the AC discovery process based on the static configuration, and
establishes a control tunnel with the discovered AC.
4. If the PPPoE mode is used, the AP initiates the PPPoE dial-up process. After obtaining the management IP
address and gateway address, the AP uses the statically configured AC IP address to discover the AC, and
establishes a control tunnel with the AC.
By default, AP's go online in DHCP mode.
Configuring the Mode for an AP to Go Online
Configuring the AP to go online in DHCP mode
1. Use Telnet to log in to the AP from a PC.
login: admin
Password: //The default password is admin.
~ #
2. Configure the AP to go online in DHCP mode.
~ # cli
Enterprise AP# configure interface ethernet // Enter the AP interface view.
Enter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.
Enterprise AP (if-ethernet) # ip mode dhcp // Set the mode in which the AP goes online.
Please reboot the AP, configuration will take effect
Enterprise AP (if-ethernet) #
3. Restart the AP to make the configuration take effect.
~ # reboot
Configuring the AP to go online using a static IP address
1. Use Telnet to log in to the AP from a PC.
login: admin
Password: //The default password is admin.
~ #
2. Configure the AP to go online using a static IP address. The configuration items are the IP address of an AC that
is connected to the AP, the AP's IP address (mandatory), the mask address (mandatory), and the gateway
address (not required when in Layer 2 networking).
~ # cli
Enterprise AP# configure interface ethernet // Enter the AP interface view.
Enter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.
Enterprise AP (if-ethernet) # ip mode static // Set the mode in which the AP goes online.
Enterprise AP (if-ethernet) # ac iplist // Configure the IP address of an AC that is connected to the AP.
Enterprise AP (if-ethernet) # ip address // Configure the IP
address of the AP.
Please reboot the AP, configuration will take effect
Enterprise AP (if-ethernet) #
3. Restart the AP to make the configuration take effect.
~ # reboot