Table 5 Operating time of non-delay residual current protection (t)
Table 6 Operating time of delay residual current protection (t)
Tn in the table is the delay setting value.
7 Overcurrent Protection Characteristics
7.1 See Table 7 for the overcurrent protection characteristics of circuit breakers for
power distribution.
7.2 See Table 8 for the overcurrent protection characteristics of circuit breakers for
motor protection.
8 Circuit Breaker Accessories
8.1 See Table 9 for the list of accessory models.
8.2 Rated values of auxiliary contacts and alarm contacts
Conventional thermal current Ith = 6 A;
Rated working current Ie = 0.79 A (230 V, AC); Ie = 0.47 A (400 V, AC); Ie = 0.15
(220 V, DC).
8.3 Shunt trip parameters
Rated voltage Us: AC: 110 V, 230 V, 400 V;
DC: 24 V, 48 V, 110 V.
The circuit breaker can interrupt reliably under (70% ~ 110%) Us, and the
operating time is 10 ms ~ 30 ms.
Table 7 Overcurrent protection characteristics of circuit breakers
for the power distribution
Rated current In
Thermal release (ambient tempe40°C)
Operating current of
1.05 In non-operating
time (h) (initial state:
cold state)
1.30 In operating time
(h) (initial state:
thermal state)
(10±2) In
50, 100, 300, 500, 800, 1,000