Installation caution
Since this appliance adopts mandatory air inlet and outlet, it is allowed to be installed in the
bathroom, however, the exhaust system outlet must extend to the outside and the distance between
the end of the outside exhaust pipe and the adjacent u other items must be greater than 600mm.
The machine is not allowed to be installed outdoors to avoid damage to the heater caused by
freezing water.
A water inlet valve must be installed in the unit's water inlet tube, so the water supply can be cut off
in case of repair.
The mounting position of the unit is made of non-flammable material. If it is made of flammable or
flame resistant material, heat resistant board should be used for insulation, the distance should be
greater than 10mm.
The bottom edge of the unit should be about 1.5m from the ground so that combustion can be easily
observed and the temperature can be adjusted.
An LPG user must choose a good quality, suitable gas release valve whose specifications are not
less than 1.5m3 / h to ensure gas pressure and inlet flow into the unit.
Natural gas users should use carbide pipes with the same diameter as the unit's gas inlet to reduce
gas shutdown due to pressure loss.
There should be no flammable or explosive material around the unit and the smoke exhaust port,
eg. , kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, paints, paper, fabrics, etc.
Do not point the exhaust port directly at a nearby window when installing the unit.
The unit should not be installed where there is gas or a corrosive item and should not be exposed
to cables, electrical devices, or gas pipes above it and no gas cooker or cooking oven below it.