HRW HPD0460BN V402 Manual 150622.docx E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Operation Overview
All physical inputs, outputs and internal logic & control function blocks, and critical control loop
parameters are numerically represented as an ‘Object’. The object is a function block’s output value.
Depending on the purpose of a function block the object may have a range of sub-parameters available
for defining the block’s function and the operational features & limitations of the function. In the case of
control loops the active set point, the proportional band and the integral time sub-parameters are also
represented as objects for network access and remote tuning of a control loop if required.
In this document the term ‘Objects’ will mainly be used in the context of BACnet networks but will
otherwise be referred to as a ‘point’ or ‘points’ when discussing specific control applications.
The process of setting up function blocks and connecting function blocks to form an application uses
simple text lines therefore it is not necessary to learn a complex programming language. The settings
may be manually typed in to the device or, using the
programming tool which
provides a visual representation of each block, an application text file may be created, saved and
downloaded to the device as a complete group of settings. Earlier versions of FuncProg may be used
but the latest feature settings will not be directly available in those earlier versions.
The ability to make single setting changes directly at the device makes for easy debugging and
The function blocks comprise:
Physical I/O for connection of input switches, sensors and output control devices
Virtual inputs for taking over external commands and values from other network devices or for
manual settings and overrides
Logic blocks for event based reactions and influences
PI Control Loop blocks for set point based control reactions
Time Switch channels
Network settings
In all cases points may be manually overridden for testing & commissioning purposes or for service
override. In respect of BACnet priority arrays manual overrides are Priority 9 (factory default = Null /
internal program control = 16).
Connection to the device for programming and service is via a terminal program such as HyperTerminal
(recommended). While on-line to the device it is possible to view point statuses and where applicable,
any dependent or influencing point’s connections. Statuses are updated live to the terminal screen
every 10 seconds or manually refreshed any time by pressing the enter key.
In additional to the predefined point displays a user-defined display is available for a customised point
summary related to an application. The user display may contain up to 32 lines of user text with or
without dynamic points included.
In the base HPD0460BN version which is without PI controller or time clock functions, the physical
inputs may be read from other controllers on the network and the outputs may be driven by other
controllers on the network. This means the HPD0460BN may be used as a user interface to a single
controller or as a user interface to multiple controllers on the network.
The HPD0460BNC, T and CT versions feature control and/or logic and/or time-switching capabilities
which enable them to work as controllers in their own right, either locally or providing control to remote
controllers and I/O expansion devices. In all versions the user has the freedom to specify own display
text in up to 32 lines with or without dynamic object displays. Text lines may be programmed to be
invisible until a specific object (or group of objects) met a predefined criteria at which time the text will
‘pop-up’ at the top of the display. When the predefined criteria is no longer true then the text will no