HRW HPD0460BN V402 Manual 150622.docx E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Network Interface Object (NIO) Display
Peer-to-peer operation is achieved by creating bindings between controllers on the same network using
up to eight (48) NIO’s. Using the NIO’s it is possible to communicate with other controllers without
having to route data through a network management device.
Share the measurement of common sensors, such as Outside Air Temperature, between a
number of controllers
Create point expansion by remotely driving spare objects on other controllers
Reduce wiring by remotely driving spare points on other controllers
Influence control sequences of other controllers by sharing demand information
When used in a network which includes the HPD0460…T, receive time switching commands,
set point and other user operation inputs directly over the BACnet MS/TP network
NIO’s are in the Object Instance range 105… 152. By entering N in HyperTerminal the NIO
configuration page is displayed. Note that a NIO does not appear until it’s sub-parameter xxx01 has a
set value >0.
Below we see the settings for three NIO’s; 105, 106 and 107.
NIO’s 105 and 106 are reading in values from other controllers on the network (Input). In this case
controllers 1 and 5 respectively
From controller 1 we are reading in the value of an NTC 100k sensor (Ctc) which is connected
to UI 1 of controller 1 (Object Instance 17)
From controller 5 we are reading in the status of a Digital Input (D) which is connected to DI 1
of controller 5 (Object Instance 1)
When a NIO is used to read in data (Input) the value obtained from the remote controller may be
applied to any internal function block by setting the function block’s input as being the Object Instance
number of the related NIO.
NIO 107 is writing out the value of object 69 (the output of control loop CL1) to controller 1, analogue
output 1 (Object Instance 25).
When used to write to another controller on the network (Output) the NIO will drive the remote Object
Instance without any preparation required at the remote controller.
The target
node on the
being read
from or
written to
The assignment of
the NIO’s Object
Instance attribute
The target Object
Instance within the
node being read
from or written to
The local
sensor type
relating to the
object value
being shared
xxx04=0 is the
default for reading
in the object
instance specified.
To write out to the
specified object set
the local point #
who’s value/status
is to be sent
xxx05=0 is Normal
scaling; the value is
unchanged for
network use.
xxx05=1 is for
reading in a ‘Raw’
value from the
network and scaling
it locally according
to the Sensor Type
Output OR if
required to override
or min. limitation
Output AND if
required to enable or
max. limitation